Answer Your Calling


In previous issues, I have shared with you my thoughts on Self-Awareness and Self-Leadership. Here is my final point on Self-Leadership. Future issues will shed light on Public Relationship and Public Leadership.

Answer Your Calling

Xiaoping Li, President, The Ping Way Inc.

Career : a profession for which one trains and which is undertaken as a permanent calling.
I like this definition by Merriam Webster dictionary. Too often, we mistake our jobs that provide us food and shelter but not much joy as our careers.

For eight years I worked as a chemist in large corporations and never enjoyed. On many mornings, I woke myself up in the shower uttering repeatedly, "I don’t want to go to work." In 1998 I was laid off and I decided to discontinue my chemist "career". With amazement I have noticed that I haven’t missed it for one second!

Are you holding a job or having a career? Tyco, my climbing friend, is leaving his kinesiology job to start a new career in industrial design. Yasir, who interned with us last summer, has finished his Marketing diploma after receiving a Bachelor degree in math, because he felt marketing as his calling.

You can keep your job and pursue your career at the same time. You are free to answer your calling to develop a new career without monetary expectation. Mother Teresa did it. So did my friend Aries, who makes a living as a graphic designer and illustrator, and pursues his artistic career in painting, drawing, theatre and creative writing with abundant energy.

Have you discovered your calling? -- a strong inner impulse toward a particular course of action especially when accompanied by conviction (Merriam Webster). Confucius found his calling to be a politician and an educator and pursued both careers all his life. He failed in politics, but succeeded in education where he was genuinely talented.

Where is your genuine talent? I am interested in helping you find the answers. You can be what you are meant to be, a carpenter, doctor, hair stylist, programmer, fashion designer, restaurateur... I offer you a chance to win a free career consultation session that includes personality assessment and in-depth discussion in person, by phone or online.

To win this free session, please click the following link to donate any amount to help children affected by the earthquake in China through UNICEF Canada. The Canadian government will match your donation dollar by dollar. Please e-mail a copy of your electronic receipt to by June 22, 2008.

Career Consultation Testimonial from Aries

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Achieving Peak Performance for Life


Meeting of Minds is edited by Jim Gregory.

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Copyright 2008 The Ping Way Inc. All right reserved. No. 10, Volume 1