Meeting of Minds


The first issue of Meeting of Minds explained that success is not just about achieving goals. It is also about enjoying the process, about finding enjoyable work experiences and choosing the right goals for your career. This second issue gives you insight into the relationship between personality and career.

Personality and Career

Xiaoping Li, President, The Ping Way Inc.

When I gave up my dream of being a chemist in 1991 after 11 years of unpleasant experience pursuing it,
a career councilor conducted a Myers-Briggs Type Indicator personality-career assessment for me. For the first time I saw that I was the INFP type: Introverted (versus Extroverted), INtuitive (versus Sensing), Feeling (versus Thinking) and Perceiving (versus Judging).

The INFP type gravitates towards human service careers. They are most likely writers, counselors, psychologists, actors, musicians, research assistants and laboratory technologists. Not chemist.

Now, looking back, I understand why I left chemistry behind, why I pursued singing and songwriting (with a self-released CD collected by the Toronto Public Library), why I spent two years writing a memoir in English (which received three publishing offers), why I started my training company.

Our personalities influence our career choices. Don Cherry, the hockey icon, with his competitive, outspoken and flamboyant personality, has chosen a career path that engages his personality preferences, which include physical work, people contact and extroverting feelings.

In the event you have not chosen the career that matches your personality very well, you can still use your personality strengths to achieve unique success. Shannon B. was the director of the Business and Fiscal Planning Branch of a provincial ministry. At the end of a personality session that I conducted for her staff, she told me that her branch handles mostly policies, standards, data, rules and procedures, which she couldn't remember, for such work was at the bottom of the list of her personality preferences.

She was amazed how she had managed her branch without knowing, or being interested in knowing, all those regulations. I wasn't surprised by her success. Her staff had just given her a send-away video presentation, as she was going to head another branch. In the video, her staff expressed great affection to her.

Shannon had naturally led her staff with her personality strengths which, based on her personality type, were in people relationships. In other words, she had skillfully managed her staff who, in turn, diligently managed the policies, standards, rules and procedures.

With her newly gained personality knowledge, Shannon will surely be even more effective with her relationship-oriented management style in her new branch.

Shannon had also followed her personality preferences to the work she loved. She was drawn to nature and harmony. So she had strategically taken certain courses part-time to prepare her to move to the new branch that dealt with land and water issues, which were, in her words, "closer to my heart."

Yes, you too can adopt an approach that uses your personality strengths in your current job and achieve unique success. You too can also choose your future job that satisfies your personality needs more fully, and have a great career.

What is your personality type? You can find out through The Ping Way's special holiday offer:

A. Online personality-career assessment that:

  • reveals your personality type;
  • identifies careers suitable for your personality type;
  • Costs $150 + GST.

Register before December 1, 2006 and receive a free one-on-one coaching session over the phone or in person on how to use your personality strengths to maximize career success.

B. Interactive Personality Workshops that:

  • reveals your personality type in a safe and fun environment;
  • identifies potential personality conflicts and managing strategies;
  • costs $99 +GST.

Times and Locations:
Dec. 6 th: 6-9pm, 406 Ontario St. downtown Toronto, or
Dec. 7 th: 6-9pm, 3 Marilyn Ave. north Scarborough, or
Dec. 9 th: 1-4pm, 3 Marilyn Ave. north Scarborough, or
Dec. 10 th: 1-4pm, 406 Ontario St. downtown Toronto, or

Register before December 1, 2006 and receive a free personality booklet.

C. A Family Personality Party that:

  • lets family members know each other’s personality types in a party;
  • identifies opportunities to further improve family relationships in a caring way;
  • costs $300 + $15/person + GST.

Length: 3 hours
Location: your home or your choice of venue

Register before December 1, 2006 and receive a free personality booklet per person.

To register or for more info, please call 416-763-5347 or write to

Take advantage of our special holiday offer. Give this precious gift to yourself or someone you love.

Achieving Peak Performance for Life


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Copyright 2006 The Ping Way Inc. All right reserved. No. 2, Volume 1