

Following the series of issues on Self-Awareness, I brought your attention to Self-Leadership in the last issue. Here I invite you to take action to lead yourself.


Xiaoping Li, President, The Ping Way Inc.
I am proud of my sister who immigrated to Canada as a skilled worker in 2000. She worked part-time at a Goodwill store to practice English and earn money. She studied at George Brown College to familiarize herself with the Canadian way of estimating construction costs. She eventually found an estimating job, started her family, then bought a house!

My sister is a doer. I used to think she could do more good… for the public, by volunteering or fundraising for a social cause. Now I think that she is just one of the many ordinary heroes and heroines, who look after themselves and their families, and offer occasional help to friends and neighbours. In fact she has started volunteering for her daughter's daycare center.

Imagine that all of us took action to look after ourselves and our families. We would all have decent income and raise good kids, just like my sister does. We wouldn't have the poverty and crimes we face now. No wonder when Mother Teresa received the Nobel Peace Prize in 1979 and was asked, "What can we do to promote world peace?" she replied, "Go home and love your family."

My friend and colleague Steve Brent showed his love to his family through actions. A retired senior manager from CIBC, he had done well for himself. Yet he relocated just so he could readily help his vulnerable extended family. He relentlessly fund-raised to support the cure for breast cancer that took his sister and his mother. Through his actions he expresses his love to his family and satisfies his family values.

Years ago when I first ran with Steve for breast cancer, I thought of also participating in the AIDS Walk for the cure of AIDS, as AIDS had instilled in me a deep fear that affected my willingness to enter intimate relationships. Yet I procrastinated. Each year I missed the September 16th AIDS Walk, I felt a sense of guilt and less love for myself. I wasn't looking after my own interest. If we find a cure for AIDS, my intimate relationship will be deeply happy and free of fear.

A self-less person is not a healthy person. My not looking after my own interest is not a healthy behaviour. Psychologist Ian Schulman, in one of our training workshops, said that when the oxygen masks drop in our airplane, we must fit one on ourselves first before helping others.

I have just registered for the AIDS WALK! I encourage you to take action now to start doing one thing that you have always wanted to do for yourself or your family. It is a healthy thing to do!

If you start taking action for yourself or your family after reading this issue, I will appreciate your letting me know. Drop me a line and I will e-mail you a link for a free personality assessment to show my appreciation. If you'd like to sponsor me in the AIDS WALK this year, click here to make a donation and receive a tax receipt.

Self-leadership begins with self-awareness. You are invited to attend a free introduction to The Ping Way's Self-Awareness Program. Click here for details.

Achieving Peak Performance for Life


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Copyright 2007 The Ping Way Inc. All right reserved. No. 6, Volume 1